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Building a well-rounded team with complementary strengths and strong mentor support is key to attracting investors and outside funding resoruces.

A needs/problem statement outlines the issue a project aims to address, clarifies who is affected, and helps convince funders that the project is essential.

Grants are non-repayable funds from various organizations to support specific projects, initiatives, or causes.

Before spending time and money applying for a grant, assess your grant readiness to improve your chances of success.

A grant proposal is a document that seeks funding by outlining a project’s objectives, methods, and impact.

Creativity often involves unique ideas, unexpected twists, and the ability to see things from different perspectives—key traits for innovation and success. Learn how this skill can help you foster innovation and entrepreneurship, in addition to advance your career.

Critical thinking is a skill that helps analyze problems from multiple angles, develop solutions, and make informed decisions—enhancing career prospects and unlocking potential. Learn how this skill can help you cultivate innovation and entrepreneurship.

A growth mindset is the belief that skills grow with effort and persistence. It encourages adaptability, openness to feedback. Having this mindset fuels innovation, entrepreneurship, and career growth.

Leadership is a dynamic concept that involves inspiring, motivating, and guiding others toward common objective. Developing leadership skills is crucial for innovation and building successful businesses, as well as enhancing career prospects.

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Foundations of entrepreneurship

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Your funding and finances

Legally speaking

Creative entrepreneurship

Blackstone LaunchPad

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