Faculty Impact

Hero Week #5 and #6: Breaking Through
November 15, 2016
As things come up to a close here inside of the first session at Draper, the metaphorical train shows no sign of stopping. The past two weeks have been jam

Hero Week #4: Survival
November 4, 2016
Grueling? Check. Fatiguing? Check. Worth our time? Big check. A mantra every entrepreneur should hold dear to their heart is that anything worth doing won’t be easy and that was

Hero Week #2: Prototyping, TEDx and Programming
October 11, 2016
Condom selling, growth hacking, pretotyping and attending a TedX event were just the tip of the iceberg this week at Draper University. Students have been undergoing a rapid transformation

Hero Week #1: Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable at Draper University
October 3, 2016
Week #1 at the ASU Draper Hero Incubator program wrapped up Sunday 10/2/16 and focused on re-framing mentalities, breaking down barriers, and thinking in 10x. When interviewed after their first

With Cheers, Pool Dives and 44 Students from Around the World, the ASU Draper Incubator Kicks Off the Fall 16 Session.
September 30, 2016
On Sunday September 26, 2016, 44 students from around the world joined the ASU-Draper Hero Incubator Program in San Mateo, geared toward advancing their entrepreneurship mindset and launching their startup.

Humanity X and their journey to the Pakis Challenge by Dr. Neal A. Lester
February 10, 2016
Two years ago, I would have never imagined these five strangers–students and community members–innovating a technology to save lives. This team has far exceeded my expectations after winning ASU’s inaugural

Digital presence = Yellow Pages for your business!
October 20, 2015
Entrepreneurs who do not sell on the Internet and therefore do not have a merchant account often ask me if they need a digital presence. The answer: a resounding yes!

Startup Tools: Every company needs a digital presence
September 29, 2015
Entrepreneurs who do not sell on the Internet and therefore do not have a merchant account often ask me if they need a digital presence. The answer: a resounding yes!

Startup Tools: The molecular chemistry of brand building. Wait, what?!
September 17, 2015
You were born an original, don’t die a copy. — James Mason. This quote by James Mason is also the title of his book. If you turn it over you will