
ASU Startup School in Mesa builds business skills…for free

February 23, 2016

Heidi Aldrich teaches at Desert Ridge High School in Mesa, but the aspiring entrepreneur will soon hit the books herself as she prepares to venture back into the business world.

Starting Fires at Launch Days

February 17, 2016

Typically starting fires on campus is frowned upon, but what about when proverbial fires ignite in classrooms? This happens on special days when all necessary elements are present in the

Arizona State University Partners with Cisco to Empower Minority Youth

February 16, 2016

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the educational attainment gaps between minority and white students persist despite improvements made over the last few decades. Another statistic from the

How to keep smart people in Phoenix

February 16, 2016

ASU leader: It costs Arizona $660,000 every time we lose a college graduate. Here’s how to keep more of them in state. Scottsdale was recently named one of the top

Humanity X and their journey to the Pakis Challenge by Dr. Neal A. Lester

February 10, 2016

Two years ago, I would have never imagined these five strangers–students and community members–innovating a technology to save lives. This team has far exceeded my expectations after winning ASU’s inaugural

ASU Spark Tank 2016 by Kimberly Roland

February 9, 2016

‘Create value by solving real problems.’ This was a major takeaway from @SpeakerJeff, aka Jeff Hoffman, cofounder of Priceline, serial entrepreneur, and Arizona native at Thursday night’s #ASUSparkTank. The crowd

Tapping the creativity of student entrepreneurs

November 18, 2015

The Veg-O-Matic. The Pocket Fisherman. The Roomba. None exactly an iPhone, but everyone knows what they are and some people swear by them.

ASU startup develops device that will radically change infant jaundice treatment

October 29, 2015

In 2012, 21-year-old engineer Sivakumar Palaniswamy witnessed what he described as a heartbreaking sight in an infant care unit at a renowned hospital in India: A single halogen bulb hung

Digital presence = Yellow Pages for your business!

October 20, 2015

Entrepreneurs who do not sell on the Internet and therefore do not have a merchant account often ask me if they need a digital presence. The answer: a resounding yes!

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