Logo of new entrepreneurial institute at ASU

Entrepreneur’s legacy honored with establishment of institute

Today, Edson’s legacy is being honored with the establishment of the J. Orin Edson Entrepreneurship + Innovation Institute at Arizona State University. The naming recognizes the Edsons’ longstanding commitment to further entrepreneurship support at ASU, which includes an additional endowed gift. The newly formed institute provides an overarching home for the Edson Student Entrepreneur Initiative and the Edson Training and Development Network at ASU, which was formed from an Edson gift in 2018.

Establishing the Edson Entrepreneurship + Innovation Institute also enables ASU to expand its portfolio of entrepreneurial programs and initiatives in perpetuity. The primary focus of the institute will always remain ASU students and faculty, and the institute will continue to provide support from as young as middle school youth to lifelong learners.

Read the full story >> https://asunow.asu.edu/20200902-entrepreneurship-entrepreneurs-legacy-honored-establishment-institute 

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