Learn how your GTM "toolbox" is used to build revenue and achieve your goals.
It takes a combination of strategies to grow and build revenue. Revenue leaders must determine how to utilize and invest in sales, marketing, and business development to grow a company’s top-line. There is no one formula that applies in all businesses to make these decisions. Different stage of company development, type of business, industry segment, and/or business model will generally help you determine the balances for employing these revenue strategies. Your company’s Go-to-Market strategy has integrated these and will guide the use of resources for executing these top-line strategies. What is the execution plan that you’ll design that balances sales, marketing, and business development and that is both effective and efficient, in achieving company revenue goals?
In this workshop, you’ll learn:
• What these strategies are and what impact they have on revenue
• How your customers’ buying processes influence the approach you choose
• The best-fit approach for different stage companies
• How to use your Go-to-Market strategy to design your revenue execution plan
This workshop is for CEOs and revenue leaders of early and growth stage companies. Ensure that you build upon early market success and achieve long-term revenue growth – find out how.
This workshop will be led by Marty Levy, lead Venture Mentor for the Venture Devils+ program. You can learn more about Marty Levy via his profile on StartupTree.
Zoom: https://asu.zoom.us/j/84570894552
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/go-to-market-execution-balancing-the-growth-elements-tickets-395303903617
Zoom linkRegister here