This week, the second cohort of the ASU Mayo Clinic MedTech Accelerator kicked off and welcomed eight companies for a monthlong session of learning, networking and growing in the name of improving the science of health care delivery and practice to advance patient care. Get to know the participating companies and learn more about their innovations to improve healthcare.

AdviNOW Medical
AdviNOW Medical (ANM) uses artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality (AR) to completely automate the medical patient encounter and enable doctors (providers) to work at the top of their license. Both the patient and provider experiences are augmented with AI and AR to nearly eliminate repetitive tasks and allow the doctor to focus only on the decision of diagnosis, treatment and the patient consult. This automation reduces total provider time-per-patient by half and increases clinic throughput velocity while reducing patient wait times by 70%. The face-to-face patient time of the encounter is not reduced maintaining the personal nature of the patient-doctor consult.
AR guided objective measurements provide a completely objective examination combined with an AI-driven patient interview that helps drive the point of care to the most convenient location and eventually to the home. Provider time-per-patient reductions help alleviate the provider shortage while improving patient outcomes and patient satisfaction.
ANM fundamentally reduces the cost to run existing clinics and is a common platform to enable value-based care and eventually drive the main point of care to the home. This invention promises to revolutionize healthcare for the entire world as every person has access to low-cost affordable care.

BrainFx delivers digital assessments to health providers to assess early or milder cognitive challenges that can impact a person’s everyday life. By comparing a person’s performance to BrainFx’s normative database (Living Brain Bank™) and monitoring over time, providers receive unique insights that assist them in care planning and improving functional outcomes, while delivering efficiency and operational cost savings. A key differentiator with BrainFx is not just assisting with ‘what is it?’, but ‘how is this affecting me?’ and ‘what next?’ through crowd-sourcing its clinical community and therapeutic partners for practical recommendations that connect assessment results to targeted treatment plans.
BrainFx was inspired by the founders’ own frustration in clinical practice and in the healthcare companies they have led in neurorehabilitation over their careers and is their opportunity to make a global impact on improving everyday life for people with brain disorders.

Hoy Health
Hoy Heath is a primary care platform that empowers underserved medical communities across the global to manage their primary care needs in a supportive environment that grants them access to medication programs , chronic condition management support programs and engages with them in remote patient monitoring and virtual care.
We provide a global primary healthcare platform to underserved medical communities. Hoy Health currently is operating in the USA, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico. Our solution provides an integrated platform that offers consumers medication access, chronic condition support and remote patient monitoring and virtual health solutions at very low costs. Our proprietary interconnected platform allows us to connect with over 67, 000 pharmacies, any electronic health record and capture up to 32 biometric measurements in a patient’s home allowing the interconnection of healthcare providers and patients by eliminating time and distance for those using our program.
We provide everyone, everywhere with primary care without the need of any third-party payor to support our care model.

Hucu is a FREEmium SaaS application like WhatsApp and Slack optimized for unique healthcare workflows and regulations. Users (healthcare professionals, patients and families) build viral networks inviting partners to unlimited patient centered messaging.
Sponsoring customers pay nominal fees for features (e.g., patient risk stratification, custom retention policies, operational leaderboards, patient analytics & RPA (Robotic Process Automation). Sponsoring customers offer unlimited messaging including file sharing, mentions and other helpful features to differentiate themselves with technology supported services, grow their referral network & impact patients.
Volume discounts & risk sharing pricing models are available via our pipeline of relationships in Post Acute Care, Risk Bearing Entities (e.g.,MCOs, ACOs, MA Plans) along with Partnerships with technology leaders.
Our Target: 131 million Americans with 2 or more chronic illnesses, more than 50 million covered by Medicare. Medicare accounts for 15% of Federal spending at $675 million annually, increasingly controlled by Medicare Advantage risk sharing plans. Our initial access point is 15,000+ SNFs and 85,000 physician groups focused on seniors. The market is highly fragmented with winners consolidating to capture financial benefits of better operations & outcomes. Hucu has more than 10,000 patients live with more than 800 users and is gaining traction with hospice organizations, therapy providers, physician groups, nurse practitioner groups, and skilled nursing operators.

Mindset Medical
Mindset Medical is a digital health technology company that offers an intelligent virtual health platform that hyper-triages patients, ensuring better resource utilization by placing the right patients in front of the clinicians at the right time.
Collectively, the core team of Mindset Medical has more than 160 years of experience at the intersection of healthcare and technology. The CEO, COO, and CMO were co-founders of Excelsius Surgical, a robotics navigation platform for spine surgery. In 2013, the company was sold to Globus Medical.
Having first-hand experience with a dysfunctional health system, the team saw that physicians had problems with seeing the right patient at the right time and set out on a path to create a new virtual health platform. The premise was a virtual health platform that was easier for the patient and physician to use, by eliminating inherent technical challenges in app-based digital health tools. An easy to use platform increases patient engagement, collecting more robust clinical data that drives evidence-based medicine. Physicians can see baseline measurements and changes over time, allowing the delivery of precision care. Patients that are more engaged in their care see better health outcomes.
The Informed Virtual Healthcare platform connects providers to patients through video-based and text-based encounters without the need for specialized telehealth equipment, no apps to download, or passwords to remember.

ReSuture delivers the most lifelike procedural experience outside the operating room – allowing surgeons to gain operative experience in a controlled environment. Medical schools and residency programs have struggled to develop modern training methods to safely instruct students. Errors result in enormous costs and adverse patient outcomes, and new regulations have limited resident’s ability to learn on-the-job. Using innovative technology to develop the most clinically accurate surgical training models on the market, our products ensure that doctors are fully prepared when they treat patients. Our vision is to become the predominant system for the training and credentialing of healthcare providers.

ScalaMed is a SMART prescription platform (powering ScalaMed and 3rd party applications) to help value based care organizations PBMs and plans, better engage their patients to improve STAR ratings, quality metrics, admin burden and outcomes. ScalaMed re-imagines the Rx process – allowing providers to send prescriptions directly to patients phones directly (rather than bypassing the patient and sending them first to a pharmacy).
ScalaMed’s platform allows the patient to send each refill to any pharmacy in 3 clicks (including Amazon pharmacy) but before this, ScalaMed makes the Rx smart – layering the Rx with pricing comparisons, alerts, warnings, pharmacy information an choice, and education. In addition, ScalaMed’s virtual care coordinator observes in real-time what patients do with their Rx (delays, no-fill, reported side effects, or drug-drug interactions), and automates questions, reminders, & check-ins, to follow up with the patient. When risk is identified, ScalaMed’s digital assistant links the patient back into care – effectively reducing medication mismanagement through early intervention, triage and patient support.

The Patient Company
The Patient Company was spun out of Spectrum Health Innovations with the IP related to SimPull to effectively bring the product to market. In addition, The Patient Company aims to further develop the medtech ecosystem by creating and sharing unique approaches to developing and commercializing needed technology.
The Patient Company has perfected the lateral patient transfer process through the development and production of SimPull patient transfer device. Lateral patient transfer; moving a patient from one flat surface to another currently takes 22 minutes and is the number two cause of injury for healthcare employees. With SimPull, 1 clinician can perform lateral transfer in two minutes with no risk of injury. We anticipate to be ready for market in late Q1/early Q2 of 2021, so while we don’t have recurring revenue we do have one paying customer already.
Read more about the MedTech Accelerator: