Alum Max Altschuler shares his misses and wins in an entrepreneurial journey to success

When I was graduating from ASU, I was lucky in two ways. I had completed an education at a great university, and I had already experienced business failure.

A couple of classmates and I tried to start a bike-sharing program at the school before Citi Bike was a thing. We got a little seed money to start but couldn’t raise the capital to build the business. It was shortly after the 2008 financial crisis began, and no one was giving three 22-year-olds in Arizona a million-dollar investment.

But that failure was the best thing that could have happened to me. The experience taught me resilience, perseverance and other important skills, adding to the knowledge I accumulated in my classes.

Most recent graduates haven’t had a business they created go belly-up or faced a similar career failure. Fortunately, you don’t need to.

Here are four ways to build a career in today’s environment, whether at a company or as an entrepreneur. These steps have allowed me to thrive over the last nine years as I’ve joined startups, created my own company and sold it for millions. See full article here

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