Sun Devil is in the details for entrepreneurs

“In everything you do, put others first,” said Benjamin J. Jones at the Sun Devil 100 luncheon on Monday. That was Jones’ advice on how to become a game-changing entrepreneur.

“It’s your clients. It’s your team. Our core value is be a servant leader,” said Jones, who earned a BS in dietetics in 2005 from Arizona State University and now owns a successful fitness chain. “We’ve really built our company based around that. First and foremost I think if you do that, it’s the secret of why we’ve been able to grow the way we have.”

Almost 100 ASU alumni from 83 companies were honored at the fifth anniversary of the program, which celebrates 130 years of Sun Devil executives. The event is sponsored by the ASU Alumni Association.

This year’s class was the largest yet, featuring business leaders from tech, nonprofits, corporate, international and startups. To be eligible, a company must have $250,000 in annual revenue and must be founded or led by a Sun Devil.

See full article here.

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