Student-Made at ASU


Student-Made offers a marketplace curated for and by Arizona State University (ASU) students with a primary focus on encouraging entrepreneurship and innovation across the ASU community. The platform serves as a dynamic tool, equipping students with the necessary resources to showcase their businesses and creations.

Facilitated by the J. Orin Edson Entrepreneurship + Innovation Institute, the Student-Made at ASU store has been established with the goal of fostering meaningful community connections and providing support to students.

Student-Made at ASU launched with a catalyzing investment from the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering’s eSeed Challenge, powered by the Prescott Student Venture Fund.

Uncover a trove of student-made products, services, and gifts at the Student-Made at ASU website. Each item is crafted with someone like you in mind.


With Student-Made at ASU, there are three ways you can participate: as a student creator, as a student supporter or as a student manager.

As a student creator, you can apply to join the marketplace to gain access to creator resources and to sell your products and services. The application to join is always open and reviewed on a rolling basis. Click here to apply.

As a student supporter, you can explore the Student-Made at ASU Marketplace and support Sun Devils by purchasing their products and services.

Click here to explore the Student-Made at ASU marketplace.

As a student manager, you can help run the Student-Made marketplace at Arizona State University as a student employee and use this opportunity to gain valuable skills that you can use in your future career. The student manager positions include campus manager, community engagement manager, events and partnerships manager, content creation manager, social media manager, finance and strategy manager, and website manager. These positions are filled on an as-needed basis and all job postings will be posted on the ASU Student Employment website when there is an opening. 

Click here to view our team of student managers.

Meet the team